What are the most common injuries after a car accident?

After an accident, it’s common for people to not see or feel any injuries at first. However, a few hours later, they may feel parts of their body becoming sore and have difficulty moving. That is why after an accident, one of the first steps should be to seek medical help right away, no matter if there seem to be no visible or severe injuries. 

Here at Castan & Lecca, we recommend accident victims see a healthcare professional within the first 24 hours after a car accident, even if they don’t feel any pain at all. Although they may have minor injuries that don’t necessarily require medical attention, it’s best to rule out any possibility of hidden injuries with long-lasting side effects.

In this blog article, we’ll let you know the most common injuries people experience after a car accident, as well as, explain how to start taking legal action for your compensation.

The most common injuries you need to look out for

Neck injuries:
Car accidents are one of the leading causes of neck injuries. These can be very serious and can affect the spine and nervous system. Symptoms may include severe pain, tingling, weakness in extremities, difficulty moving the head or neck, and trouble breathing or speaking.

Mild neck injuries may include sprains or strains, which usually heal within a few days or weeks with proper treatment. Serious neck injuries may result in fractures, dislocations, or nerve damage and may require surgery and long-term treatment.

Chest injuries: Physical damage to the chest can be very serious, since many vital organs, including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys, may be damaged. Symptoms associated with chest injuries include severe chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, pain when swallowing, swelling, and deformity of the chest.

One of the most common chest injuries is rib fractures, which can be painful and make it difficult to breathe or move. Other types of injuries are pulmonary contusions, which are bruises to the lungs caused by the blunt force of the impact and can result in heart, lung, or liver damage.

Extremity traumas: Leg and arm injuries may include bone fractures, sprains, dislocations, and nerve damage.

The legs and arms are particularly prone to fractures after a strong impact. Fractures can either be when a bone breaks in one place or a compound bone fracture when the bone breaks or cracks through the skin.

On the other hand, sprains occur when the connective tissue surrounding the joints is damaged by a sudden movement, fall, or impact. These injuries usually occur in the ankles, knees, and elbows. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, and joint stiffness. Sprains usually heal on their own within a few days or weeks with proper treatment.

Spinal cord injuries: Any damage to the spinal cord can affect the body’s ability to transmit nerve impulses. If the spinal cord is damaged, there may be a loss of sensation or paralysis in the arms or legs. In some cases, there may be damage to internal organs such as the bladder and bowels.

Spinal cord injuries can be mild or severe and may occur anywhere along the spinal column. Mild injuries may include sprains or strains, while severe injuries may include fractures, dislocations, or nerve damage. Some of these injuries can be permanent if not treated properly and may require long-term treatments such as physical therapy, medications, and in some cases, surgery.

Internal organ damage: After a strong impact in a car accident, internal organs may be damaged. These injuries can be severe and sometimes fatal, and may not appear or be felt immediately after the accident. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, pain when swallowing, and bluish or pale skin.

The most common internal organ damages occur in the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and stomach. Some internal injuries may require immediate surgery to repair any damage and prevent long-term complications. Other types of internal injuries may require long-term treatments, such as medication to control pain and inflammation.

Head trauma: Any blow to the head after an impact may lead to head trauma. Victims may have symptoms like severe headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, confusion, drowsiness, impaired speech or balance, and loss of consciousness. These injuries can also cause brain contusions and internal bleeding. In some cases, head traumas can be fatal or have permanent disabilities, including paralysis, problems with memory, or speech problems.

Psychological damage: Although most people believe that the most common injuries after a car accident are physical injuries, these events can cause psychological issues. Victims may suffer from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and sleep disorders that stem from a traumatic car wreck and may need medical treatment to deal with them.

What happens next after noticing any injuries? How can I start taking legal action?

Car accidents happen every day. While some may be considered minor car wrecks and do not cause injury, others may cause serious injuries. The first line of defense in preventing further injuries must be finding a physician to evaluate your condition after the accident. The next step is to find an auto accident attorney ready to take on your case and get your compensation.

If you’re not sure whom to call for legal representation, at Castan & Lecca, we can take on your car accident case. Not only do we gather all the evidence needed to prove you weren’t at fault, but we can also point you to physicians or healthcare providers we trust that can provide you with the exact treatment you need. Contact us today for a free consultation.









The time after a car accident can be confusing, traumatic and even chaotic. You could be injured, out of work, juggling doctor’s appointments or even without transportation. But it’s important for you to know that you have options–and you have a right to protect your own interests, especially if the insurers are telling you otherwise.

There could be a lot to expect–a lot of bills and a lot of expenses. To get prepared for the process following an accident, especially if you need to file a personal injury claim against the at-fault party, you’ll need to keep track of actions you take and the documentation you receive. All of this documentation will be crucial in filing your claim, getting your compensation or even going to trial.

This is why it’s important to retain legal counsel when you need to file a personal injury claim following a car accident.

In this blog post, we will review the types of documentation your attorney might need if they represent you in a car accident personal injury claim. Generally speaking, it’s important to keep track of any items or information you may receive in connection with your injuries from a car accident. 

Medical Documentation

As soon as possible following the accident, you should receive medical attention from a healthcare provider. Depending upon the nature of the accident, you may even receive treatment at the scene or be transported to the hospital.

Even if you feel that your injuries are minor, you should always receive medical attention as soon as possible following the accident. The sooner you receive treatment, the sooner injuries can be addressed–and the sooner you can heal.

But even beyond physical healing, the sooner you start documenting medical treatment, the stronger your personal injury claim could be.

What are the types of medical documentation your personal injury lawyer would need to help you file a claim? Here are just a few examples:

Medical Records – You will want to include any medical records that exist from after the accident (which would include treatment for injuries), but medical records from before the accident might be relevant as well if you had existing injuries that were made worse by the accident itself. It is also important to note that requesting medical records may take a long time, so request them as soon as possible so that your personal injury attorney may use them in your claim. 

Medical Bills – Any doctors’ or therapists’ bills from injury treatment would be relevant to your personal injury lawyer. Be sure to keep careful track of every appointment, every note and every bill. But medical-related expenses could also include hotel bills for having to travel for treatment, bills for medical equipment you may have needed to use, and any medical leave you were forced to take from work. 

Not only will you have to provide evidence of an injury diagnosed by a medical professional, but you may also receive compensation to pay for those bills. 

Injury Diary – Sometimes, it may be hard to recall all of the medications, treatments, therapies you had to take and how much pain you experienced after the accident. This is especially true for accident victims whose cases last several months. That’s why an injury diary is a good idea to keep track of how your life was affected by the injury from the accident. It will help you remember, in detail, important points about your experience.

Accident Documentation

If you are able, you should always take pictures following a car accident and document the scene. This includes getting the other parties’ information (insurance and driver’s license information), making note of the weather conditions and time of day, and any police report.

This accident documentation will be crucial for your personal injury claim. If your case goes to trial and fault must be established, the nature of the accident–including the evidence–will be called into question.

Insurance Information 

When you experience a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, you should always provide your legal counsel with any existing insurance policies you may currently hold. This will be important when your attorney must deal with the insurers during the claim process. 

It’s important to note that while you must work with insurance companies during the aftermath of an accident, they do not always have your best interests in mind. Their goal is to make sure they have to pay out as little compensation as possible.

This could mean trying to get you to sign away your rights early on in the process or delaying the process entirely so that you are prevented from even being compensated at all. This is why it’s important that your attorney has access to insurance information and all other documentation. 

Next Steps

So what do you do after you’ve been injured in an accident? First, you want to ensure your own personal safety and the safety of those in your vehicle. This could mean something as simple as moving the car from the traffic lanes or getting medical attention. You also want to document the scene of the accident in as much detail as possible. If you can’t take notes, you might want to use your phone to record an audio note of your thoughts or record a video. 

After that, you want to make sure you are assessed by a medical professional for any underlying injuries. Many times, car accident injuries aren’t immediately apparent and might cause victims to put off going to the hospital or seeing their doctor. If medical attention is delayed, it could cause the injury to worsen. 

After you’ve received medical attention, it’s important to secure your rights. At Castan & Lecca, we have a team of experienced attorneys that want to hear your story. Call us today for a free consultation of your case. 

The Takeaway 

So what’s next? Overall, it’s important to know that you should document everything you are able to after being in an accident. We know it’s tough, especially if you’ve been injured. But you are not alone.

At Castan & Lecca, we can help you keep track of every piece of documentation connected to the car accident and the personal injury claim–everything from transportation bills to doctor’s bills. Keeping track of this information will not only help you prove your case, but it will make sure you get the compensation you need for your recovery. 

We offer free consultations of car accident cases, so give us a call today. We want to hear your story.




Car accidents are the most common type of personal injury cases, but they can prove to be complicated because every case comes with different circumstances. On top of that, you or your family might be taking time to recover from injuries sustained in the accident–which could leave you out of work. To make matters more challenging, your stress could be compounded by your undocumented immigration status.

Of course, your first priority should be you and your family’s well being–and you should be able to leave the work to legal professionals. Due to the complex nature of car accidents, it’s crucial to have an experienced, knowledgeable and trustworthy team on your side.

At Castan & Lecca, we have the decades of experience needed–coupled with the dedication to our clients and the relevant legal knowledge–to guide you through this trying time. Furthermore, we understand that being an undocumented immigrant can prove to make an already stressful situation even more difficult. But when you choose us, you’re getting a caring partner to reassure you–and secure your rights.

If you are in a car accident, you should know that you have rights, but you should proceed through the process of compiling evidence and ensuring everyone’s safety.

This process could include the following:


Keep Track of Evidence of the Accident

In the immediate aftermath of a car accident, there could be a lot of confusion, and it’s hard to maintain awareness of your surroundings. However, keeping track of evidence is crucial to your case, so you should be careful to write down or take pictures of everything you can.


Get Immediate Medical Care

Many of us have a tendency to brush off pain or cope with an injury following an accident. If there isn’t a visible problem, you could feel like there are more urgent matters to address. But insurance companies argue that if you didn’t go to the doctor, then you weren’t injured.

We highly recommend seeing a doctor within a day of your accident. Make sure you tell them every ache, pain, and sensitivity you experience. Most importantly, be sure to keep track of the paperwork—it’s evidence.


Get Guidance From Legal Counsel

Always have a lawyer present when you sign documents. Believe us when we say that you should not trust the insurance company. They are not working for you. When it comes to dealing with the insurance companies, it’s important for you to have a legal advocate on your side so that they can fight for your rights.

Insurance companies work very slowly because stalling tactics are designed to delay the process, so that you might not be compensated. If the insurance companies have been trying to delay your claims process, don’t wait. Get in touch with us so we can advocate for you.

Here is what you can receive if you file a car accident claim with the help of Castan & Lecca:


Types of Damages

When you’re injured in a car accident, you are entitled to compensation from the at-fault party. This compensation is known as “damages.”


Special Compensatory Damages

According to AllLaw.com, “Special damages cover any expense or loss related to an injury, and there is no limit to the types of special damage claims that can be made, or to the amount an injured party can claim.” Special damages are also sometimes known as “economic” damages. 

There are several different types of special (monetary) damages you might be entitled to, so let’s take a look at some:

  • Medical bills, including cost of future medical care
  • Loss of earnings, including loss of future earnings
  • Cost of household expenses
  • Costs associated with altered plans (canceled trips, etc.) 


Lost Wages 

Lost wages are a specific type of special or economic damages. If you sustain a serious injury in a car accident, you may be unable to work as you spend time in the hospital, attend doctor’s appointments, rest at home or even have to undergo surgery or physical therapy. As a result, you may experience a substantial loss of income. This puts your family’s wellbeing at risk.

But when you turn to Castan & Lecca, you can trust that we will fight for your right to compensation that will make up for your lost wages.


General Compensatory Damages

But many times, the impact of a car accident extends beyond the various bills that come with it. Sometimes, there are damages that cannot always be measured so concretely. These damages are known as “general” compensatory damages. According to Investopedia, “general compensatory damages […] include estimates of loss not involving actual monetary expenditure.” General damages are also sometimes known as “non-economic” damages.

Some general compensatory damages could include:

  • Mental anguish
  • Disfigurement
  • Long-term physical pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Inconvenience
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of opportunity


Pain and Suffering

According to Merriam-Webster, the legal definition of pain and suffering is “mental or especially physical distress for which one may seek damages in a tort action.” Pain and suffering is considered non-economic or general compensatory damages. This particular type of damage can be difficult to measure.

Pain and suffering is sometimes determined by examining the types of injuries sustained and the severity of these injuries. An experienced personal injury attorney will help you determine what you are entitled to and the extent of monetary damages you may receive.

Many times, certain car accidents warrant certain specific types of pain and suffering like disfigurement, loss of enjoyment of life, and mental anguish. 


The Takeaway

When you experience a car accident, you should know that you may have rights to compensation, even if you have an undocumented status. Navigating the process alone can be overwhelming and challenging–that’s why you need a team of experienced legal professionals by your side to help you. We will ensure that your rights are protected. If you’ve been in a car accident, contact us at Castan & Lecca for a free consultation of your case.

3 Reasons Why You Should Go To The Doctor For Whiplash

Whiplash is an injury that occurs when the neck moves back and forth in a very quick fashion with great force. Whiplash is when the soft tissues in the neck extend beyond their typical range of motion. This extension results in damage and neck pain


Many times, this neck pain is mild to moderate. This means that it can usually be addressed with over the counter medications. But sometimes, the pain is too great to bear, and the injured person must seek out professional help. Medical attention is crucial at this point to avoid possible long-term damage and chronic pain. 


Whiplash can commonly occur as the result of a car accident. Many injuries from rear-ended accidents include whiplash. This specific type of injury can also occur from the following:


  • roller coasters and amusement park rides

  • physical abuse

  • sports injuries


Everyone is different–and that includes accident scenarios, whether first aid was administered, and any pre-existing conditions. That is why this blog does not serve as medical advice, but only for informational purposes. 


Let’s break down some reasons why someone might want professional medical attention from a doctor in the case of a whiplash injury. 

Look Out for These Symptoms 

Following an accident, the victim should always seek out medical attention, whether that includes on-site first aid or treatment at a doctor’s office or hospital. When you seek treatment, the medical professional ask about or observe these following symptoms


  • Neck stiffness

  • Dizziness

  • Headaches at the base of the skull

  • Blurred vision

  • Tiredness or fatigue 

  • Muscle spasms

  • Neck pain that worsens with movement 


Based upon close observations and discussions, the doctor will determine the best course of treatment for you and your specific situation. Sometimes, there could be more serious symptoms present. 


More serious symptoms warrant immediate medical attention. These include: 


  • Pain spreading from neck to arms 

  • Painful head movement 

  • Numbness or weakness in arms or legs 

  • Severe neck pain


A whiplash injury can include a multitude of symptoms. Some of these symptoms can seem completely unrelated to the initial injury, especially if they occur in the leg or arm. This is why it’s always beneficial to be seen by an experienced medical professional following a car accident. 

A Professional Can Rule Out Other Issues 

After a car accident, some injuries are quite apparent while others remain hidden. This is why it’s important to get checked out by a professional. They can rule out other issues like nerve damage or fractures. These two conditions can prove to be more serious than whiplash and may require different treatment. 


If you experience numbing or tingling, this could indicate a severe issue that would go beyond the scope of whiplash. While you might assume that you’ve sustained a whiplash injury in your car accident, it could be something else entirely. 


Only a trained medical professional would be able to determine, through a series of observations and tests, whether you have whiplash or not. 

You Want to Avoid Long-Term Damage 

Failing to treat or diagnose injuries within a certain amount of time could possibly result in long-term damage. This damage could include physical injury, but it could also result in depression, loss of enjoyment of life, or chronic pain. 


A medical professional is specifically trained to observe, treat, and diagnose illnesses and injuries. They enjoy a wealth of knowledge geared toward your health and recovery. Whiplash could include damage to the following areas: 


  • joints

  • disks

  • ligaments


Because this type of injury spans several different parts of the body and components, it’s important to get it diagnosed properly. If there is a lack of diagnosis or a misdiagnosis, this could result in further complications. 


Generally, the doctor will observe you, ask you questions regarding the injury or your pain level, evaluate your range of motion and monitor your strength. 


There could sometimes be complications with whiplash injuries. Some victims experience pain or headaches years after the accident. But while it’s always good to be aware of long term issues, many whiplash injuries resolve within a matter of days or weeks. 

Physical Therapy 


Beyond taking over the counter medications for whiplash pain, a doctor might recommend physical therapy as a treatment. It can be a vital part to an accident victim’s recovery. A physical therapist is a trained expert who will assist you in a series of gentle exercises to rebuild strength following an injury. 


Undergoing physical therapy could actually prevent injuries from worsening, long term damage, and help facilitate the recovery process. Furthermore, it might also prevent victims from having to have surgery. 


Depending upon your injury, physical therapy treatments could span anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. The goal of physical therapy is to focus on muscle strength and recovery. 

Recommended Treatments



After a whiplash diagnosis following comprehensive medical evaluation, your doctor may prescribe some things you can do to help with recovery and pain management. These treatments can include: 


  • Icing the site

  • Applying heat

  • Treat pain with acetaminophen or ibuprofen

  • Treating spasms with muscle relaxants 

  • Wearing a cervical collar

  • Lying down with a small pillow underneath the neck to relieve pressure  


This is just a small list of possible treatments. It’s always best to check with your primary care provider on which would be best for you. Everyone’s case is different, so you might benefit from personalized care. 

The Takeaway on Whiplash Injury 

Whiplash can range from a mild neck pain to seriously damaging long-term effects. Every car accident is different, and everyone’s body and physical health is different as well. This is why it’s always good to seek medical attention after an accident. 


Sometimes the symptoms can be immediate or they could have a delayed onset. No matter the time frame, it’s crucial to get medical attention so that you can be aware of possible effects. A doctor is qualified to determine whether you might experience long-term or chronic pain from this type of injury. They can also rule out other types of conditions, as well. 


In addition to ruling out issues, they can recommend further tests like MRIs and other treatments like physical therapy. 


If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you are not alone in filing a personal injury claim. In order to maximize your compensation and restore your wellbeing, you should have an experienced professional by your side. 


It’s important to seek immediate medical care following a car accident so that you can start documenting any possible injuries. Furthermore, it’s also crucial to start documenting evidence of timely medical care. If insurance companies see a gap between the time of the accident and medical care, they could argue that you are not injured at all. 


Even if the injury seems mild, it’s always best to be cautious and seek professional care. Therefore, you should get checked out by a professional who can give you advice, monitor your symptoms, document your injury, and provide the necessary treatments. 


No matter where your personal injury case goes–from settlement, to mediation, to trial–you deserve peace of mind. You don’t need to be worrying about how to negotiate with insurance companies while trying to make crucial physical therapy appointments. 


At Castan & Lecca, we pride ourselves on our accessibility, trustworthiness, and experience. Those three things are what make all the difference in personal injury law. If you want a free consultation of your case, contact us today. With Castan & Lecca, you’ll get exceptional attorneys and superior results. 

4 Things You Should Do After a Rideshare Accident

With the rising popularity of rideshare transportation comes the inevitable possibility of rideshare car accidents. It’s true that rideshare options can be a convenient and quick way to travel. But it’s sometimes difficult to know who shares the responsibility of fault if an accident occurs. 


Both drivers and riders should know the type of coverage they have. It’s also important to know your rights and the possible compensation you may receive following an injury from an accident


According to Ride Safe Georgia, Lyft and Uber drivers must meet four criteria to engage in offering rideshare services. Firstly, all drivers must have a fully insured 4-door vehicle. In addition to that, they must be able to pass both a background check and a driving record check. Furthermore, they must meet the minimum age/driving experience requirements. 


It’s important to know the types of incidents that rideshare companies consider “accidents.” According to Lyft, accidents are defined as:


  • a vehicle collision 

  • the vehicle striking an object like a curb or a tree 

  • an incident when the vehicle is damaged by third-party property. 


Due to their nature, rideshare accidents are more complicated than regular auto accidents. This is why we’ve laid out some important things to keep in mind so that you can be informed if you experience a rideshare car accident. 

Immediately After the Rideshare Accident


During the immediate aftermath of a rideshare accident, all parties must check for injuries. They will also need to call police and paramedics if necessary. No matter the severity of the accident, everyone should document all pertinent information, including contact information and names. The course of action immediately following a rideshare accident should be similar to any general car accident


If possible, the rideshare driver must move the vehicle to a shoulder or safe location out of the flow of traffic–a common move for auto accidents. But rideshare accidents have other factors to consider. After emergency services arrive, the driver and rider should both report the accident to the rideshare company. Both Lyft and Uber have claims forms for this process. 


Many times, riders merely want to continue on to their destination and seek another rideshare driver. You may want to get to your destination, especially if you are not seriously injured, but it’s best to stay at the scene. You’ll need to document the incident, get all parties’ contact information, and speak with authorities so they can make a detailed report. 


Remember, when it comes to rideshare accidents, there are a few more parties involved than a regular car accident, namely the rideshare companies and their insurance providers. 


This is why it is important to stay at the scene of the accident. You should be aware of your rights so you know how to take the next steps. 


Regardless of the rideshare company, all rides are covered by insurance. If the app is turned off, then driver’s personal vehicle insurance applies. When the app is on (whether waiting for a passenger or driving a passenger), then the rideshare companies provide coverage. The coverage amount varies by state and severity of injury. 

How to Report a Rideshare Accident 

It’s best to report the accident to the rideshare companies and the insurance companies as soon as possible so that you receive full coverage. Both Uber and Lyft have easy in-app features that both drivers and riders can use to contact a safety team in the event of an accident. Each company ensures that a trained team is available to guide riders and drivers through the process of reporting an accident. 


The users should share details of the incident so that the team can provide personalized assistance based on the situation. Each company provides users with claims forms to complete so that they can determine how best to cover the accident. 


If you are involved in an accident while driving for Lyft, you may require a Post Collision Inspection. Lyft provides drivers a form to complete so they have a record of the extent of damages to the vehicle. The driver then has to provide detailed descriptions of the damage. Then the inspector signs the document so that the claims process can move forward. 

If You are Injured in a Rideshare Accident


If you are severely injured in a rideshare accident, you may receive medical treatment at the scene. You could also be transported to a local hospital. In this case, all insurance companies involved will be quickly notified of this situation. 

But if you suffer an injury that you do not notice until later, it is important that you report it and seek treatment as soon as possible. In many cases, there is a time limit in which you can report your injury. 


If you are injured in a rideshare accident, you must file an injury claim. According to Ride Safe Georgia, in order to do so, you must prove two things: how badly a party was injured (damages) and who was at fault (liability). When a rider is injured during a rideshare ride in Georgia, rideshare companies cover up to one million dollars in liability coverage. 


In the majority of car accidents involving a rideshare driver or rider, the liability falls to the driver. It is important to remember, however, that the nature of coverage largely depends upon the status of the ride. 

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer 


If you are involved in a rideshare accident, you may be dealing with a lot of different aspects in the aftermath. This could include large rideshare companies, auto insurance companies, medical insurance companies, and possibly even lawyers representing different parties. 


Rideshare companies usually want to settle these types of claims fairly quickly–and they have the manpower to do it. But those who have been injured should focus on their own rights and seek a personal injury lawyer during this time. 


Needless to say, the situation following a rideshare accident can become very complicated very quickly. All parties involved should be aware of existing laws, rideshare company regulations and protocol, and confusing or overwhelming legal loopholes. 


It’s best to seek professional guidance so you don’t have to go up against these large companies alone. You should have a trusted expert on your side to assist you through this process. At Castan & Lecca, we have the legal knowledge and experience to get you the compensation you deserve. 

4 Top Causes Of Pedestrian Accidents

In highly populated areas, car accidents involving pedestrians are unfortunately common. While they also occur in rural areas, the circumstances of the urban environment are more conducive to pedestrian accidents. According to Merriam-Webster, a pedestrian is someone who is traveling, or going, on foot. Pedestrians are quite common in busy areas, with everyone walking to and from work, engaging in exercise, or traveling to points of interest and restaurants. 


Pedestrians, however, are at an increased risk of getting hit by cars. In fact, instances of pedestrian fatalities in the state of Georgia have been on the rise over the past decade. 


Crosswalks are designated areas (usually outlined in white paint on the roadway) where pedestrians can cross the street safely at certain times. While nearly everyone should know how crosswalks work, not every driver is diligent in following these rules. When a driver ignores the rules of the crosswalk, a pedestrian accident can occur. 


In the state of Georgia, it is illegal for drivers to cut pedestrians off in the crosswalk or to try to squeeze past them when they are on the same side of the roadway. The law that instructs drivers on exactly what to do when a pedestrian is in a crosswalk is called “The Stop and Stay Law.” 


The Stop and Stay Law is self-explanatory: the driver must stop and stay stopped in order to let the pedestrian cross the road safely. The pedestrian, however, must also use caution when crossing the street. They must not suddenly walk into the road or put themselves in the path of an oncoming vehicle that does not have time to stop. 


In spite of the law, and in spite of the risk of tickets, injuries, and vehicle damage, drivers still might not exercise the appropriate caution when dealing with pedestrians. In this latest blog post, we will outline some of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents. 


Distracted Driving 


Distracted driving accounts for the most pedestrian accidents in the state of Georgia. While programs like the Bicycle & Pedestrian Program attempt to increase awareness of lawful pedestrian activities and educate drivers about pedestrian safety, these instances are still unfortunately a common occurrence. 


Many times, distracted driving has to do with the driver being on the cell phone while driving. This could include either texting or being on the phone. But there could be other instances of distracted driving that occur in other ways. 


Examples include eating, applying makeup, and programming the GPS or radio. Across different types of motor vehicle accidents, distracted driving is consistently the number one cause


It is crucial that drivers understand their responsibilities while they are on the road. They should keep their attention on the road at all times. Drivers should also take time out to check their mirrors before embarking on any journey. Properly adjusted mirrors (both rear view and side mirrors) can make it possible to see pedestrians in what would otherwise be a blind spot. 




One of the most common causes of motor vehicle accidents involving pedestrians is speeding. In these cases, the driver is driving too fast. When drivers engage in speeding, the time needed to stop is limited, and they cannot stop the car in time if there is a pedestrian in the roadway. The faster a vehicle is moving, the more devastating the crash. 


While many drivers engage in the act of speeding, it does have its consequences. Drivers should take the time to acknowledge speed limit signs and check that they are going the appropriate speed for the area. Cutting down on speeding and being more vigilant will help save pedestrians’ lives. 


According to the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, the Atlanta area accounted for 60% of pedestrian-related crashes in Georgia. This far exceeds the population percentage of the area relative to the state at large. Therefore, it is important to ensure that drivers know the best course of action when dealing with pedestrians on the road. 


Drowsy Driving 


In today’s fast-paced world, we could probably all use a little bit more sleep. But that’s no excuse for getting behind the wheel when you’re sleep deprived. In the state of Georgia, drowsy driving, or driving after not having had enough sleep, is a leading cause of pedestrian accidents. The effects that drowsiness can have on a driver mimic the effects of drugs and alcohol: According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, sleepiness can affect cognition and performance. 


Generally speaking, pedestrian accidents related to drowsy driving include three factors:

  • Occurring between midnight and 6 a.m. or in the late afternoon, which is when people often experience dips in the internal clock that regulates sleep patterns

  • Usually involve a single driver (and no passengers) running off the road at a high rate of speed with no evidence of braking

  • Unlike other pedestrian accidents, they frequently occur on rural roads and highways

In Georgia, 79% of pedestrian accidents occurred during the night time hours. This could be due to drowsy driving or something like pedestrian visibility. This is why it is crucial for drivers to ensure that they get enough sleep (or that they get a ride from a rideshare or a friend if they are too sleepy) and that pedestrians wear visible clothing at night.

Failure to Adhere to Roadway Rules 


In a broad sense, when drivers fail to adhere to roadway rules, pedestrian accidents can occur. 


According to a municipal study, the most common maneuvers drivers performed immediately prior to a pedestrian accident were making a left turn, making a right turn, backing up or making a U-turn immediately before hitting or injuring a pedestrian. That is why it is crucial for drivers to take the time to check for pedestrians before making these types of maneuvers. 


As mentioned previously, drivers should always check for pedestrians in sidewalks before proceeding into turns. If a driver fails to stop for pedestrians, they are subject to a traffic ticket. Drivers should also take extra precautions in busy areas, at night, and should always follow all traffic signs and regulations in the area. 

What Pedestrians Can Do 


A pedestrian is also likely to be involved in an accident when he or she darts in front of a vehicle, doesn’t wear reflective gear at night, or disrupts the normal flow of traffic. This is why it is crucial for pedestrians to do their part when taking to the streets. You should always wear visible clothing, adhere to crosswalk and traffic signal regulations, and stay in designated areas. 

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your accident, it is important for you to contact a personal injury attorney if you were injured in an accident while you were a pedestrian. Call us today for a free consultation of your case–you shouldn’t have to suffer due to someone else’s negligence. 

The Takeaway 


Many times, pedestrians take every precaution when walking around their city. They remain vigilant and engage in careful, prudent actions. However, sometimes accidents still can occur due to a motor vehicle driver’s negligence. You as a pedestrian are entitled to rights if you’ve suffered an injury as a result of someone else’s actions. 


Pedestrians may also have cases against property owners, drivers, construction zone managers, and/or several other parties for damages, depending on the situation. Personal injury claims may not be able to fix the issues causing an increase in pedestrian deaths in Georgia, but they can help victims look forward to brighter futures.

At Castan & Lecca, we know what it takes to fight for your rights after you’ve sustained an injury, which is why we take pride in our team of experienced attorneys who consistently deliver superior results. Call us today for a free consultation of your case. 


Sustaining an injury in a car accident can be a traumatic experience. Common injuries include whiplash, broken bones, internal injuries, neck strains, and muscle sprains. Recovery from these injuries takes careful rehabilitation under the supervision of trained specialists or even extensive hospital stays. 


The time it can take for you to heal from your injuries could be anywhere from a few weeks to several years. Some injuries can be permanent or even prove to be fatal. 


An injury suffered as a result of a car accident should always be taken seriously. As always, you should seek immediate medical care, whether on site after the accident or at the hospital. It is recommended that you seek medical attention for your injury within 24 hours of the accident.


But getting the right medical care requires time and money. It is therefore important that you seek to secure damages, or monetary compensation, following a car accident. A skilled personal injury attorney will be able to assist you in this process. 


Awarded damages are given to the injured party due to a variety of factors, including:


  • Lasting impacts on how your live your life

  • Psychological trauma

  • Physical injury


But what are the types of damages you can seek after you’ve been injured in a car accident? We’ll lay out some of the damages you could receive here in this blog post. If you have further questions, you can always reach out to us to set up a free consultation of your case. 

The Two Categories of Damages You Can Receive After a Car Accident Injury


Special (Economic) 

Special, or economic, damages are damages that are concretely measurable, such as money lost from being unable to work, property damage, or medical expenses. These types of expenses have tangible value attached to them. Special damages are, generally speaking, easier to prove than noneconomic damages. 


General (Noneconomic)

General, or noneconomic, damages are more difficult to quantify in the aftermath of a car accident. General damages can include pain and suffering, loss of companionship, disfigurement, loss of reputation, and loss of enjoyment of life. Due to the nature of many of these items, because they can be harder to measure, they can be harder to prove. 


General damages always depend upon circumstances of both the accident and the injury, including the extent of medical treatment. It is therefore crucial that you seek a skilled personal injury attorney in this case. You should not have to miss out on receiving the compensation you deserve. 


If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you may be entitled to seek both special and general damages to alleviate the circumstances of your difficult situation. We will discuss both general and special damage examples here: 

Medical Expenses

If you are in a car accident, injuries may be as minor as a few cuts and bruises or as serious as a permanent disability like paralysis. Furthermore, some injuries may not produce symptoms at first or may need additional medical care down the road. It’s important to undergo a thorough medical examination immediately following a car accident if you believe you may have been injured. 


Medical expenses incurred during this time can be paid for by seeking special damages. According to FindLaw.com, medical expenses arising from a car accident may include: 


  • Physical therapy 

  • Cognitive therapy (for brain injuries)

  • Fees for hospital transport via ambulance 

  • Consultations with healthcare providers

  • Various medical accessories like wheelchairs or neck braces 

  • Treatment for permanent disability like paralysis or traumatic brain injury 

  • In-home services like nursing

Following an injury from a car accident, you might have to spend a lot of time at doctors’ offices, rehabilitation clinics, or even the hospital. These experiences could be very taxing physically due to pain and emotionally due to psychological trauma. 

Pain and Suffering

According to Cornell University Law School, “pain and suffering refers to the physical discomfort and emotional distress that are compensable as non-economic [general] damages. It refers to the pain, discomfort, anguish, inconvenience, and emotional trauma that accompanies an injury.” Being that pain and suffering is relative, this type of damage is considered noneconomic, because it is harder to quantify. 


Pain and suffering is determined by examining the types of injuries sustained and the severity of these injuries. An experienced personal injury attorney will certainly help you determine what you are eligible for and the extent of monetary damages you may be entitled to receive. 


According to New York University, a general type of damage that falls under the pain and suffering category is physical disfigurement. Many times in car accidents, the physical injuries leave lasting scars. These scars can have the ability to affect one’s mental wellbeing. In addition to lasting physical effects, there is lowered quality of life, which can also be long-lasting or even permanent.

Lost Wages 

The loss of wages can be devastating to those who have been injured in a car accident. In addition to vehicle damage, you might be injured to the extent that you are unable to work. If that is the case, you may end up losing income. This could put your housing in jeopardy, and it could affect being able to pay basic bills like utilities, insurance, groceries, and other general family expenses.


Seeking economic (or special) monetary damages will help make up for the wages lost during your recovery time. When seeking compensation for lost wages, the plaintiff must prove that the severity of their injuries has prevented them from earning the wages that they once earned. 


A skilled personal injury lawyer can assist you in this process. The sooner you meet with a legal professional, the faster you can secure the compensation you need to get your life back on track. 

Loss of Society and Companionship 

Loss of Society and Companionship, also known as Loss of Consortium in the state of Georgia, is another type of monetary damage victims may seek following an injury in a car accident. It is essentially the deprivation of benefits a family member would otherwise have if the victim had not sustained an injury in the accident. In most cases, the spouse of the injured party would sue the defendant for damages such as these. 


This type of monetary damage is considered general because there is no real monetary value that can be placed upon a loved one’s companionship. 


Sustaining an injury in a car accident can be a traumatic and life-changing experience, one with a lasting effect on how you live your life. There could be major changes that you are forced to undergo as a result of an injury. The relationship you have with a loved one is no different. This is why accident victims are entitled to seek this type of compensation. 


In this instance, not only does the plaintiff have to prove the extent of their injuries and the effect on their life, but the spouse must then also prove how the injury has affected theirs. According to FindLaw, the loss of consortium damages cannot be recovered if the plaintiff does not recover damages for their injuries.


There are several different types of damages a victim can receive following an injury in a car accident. These include general damages, which cover things like pain and suffering. General damages are harder to quantify because, many times, they extend into the realm of mental health and anguish. 


The other major category of damages is special. This is largely tied to measurable monetary loss like loss of wages and medical expenses. 


The aftermath of a car accident injury can be taxing, both physically and mentally. This is why car accident victims are eligible to receive the compensation they need to not only pay for existing, quantifiable expenses, but also for general mental anguish as a result of a major life change. 


This time can be difficult, make no mistake. This is why we at Castan & Lecca do what we do. We take pride in leveraging our experience to secure the compensation you need and deserve after an accident. 


Call us today for a free consultation of your case. We’d love to hear your story. 


Castan y Lecca Group

The 4 Mistakes That Will Make You Lose a Car Accident Claim

Castan y Lecca Group
Imagine coming home from work and having a car accident on one of Atlanta’s busy roads. Do you know what actions you need to take to obtain successful compensation? What should you never do in the presence of the police? What should you do make a car accident claim? The vast majority of those injured in the state of Georgia do not carry out this type of action and end up regretting it. And the stakes are high! You must learn how to prevent a car accident in Atlanta.
castane lecca car accident

5 Reasons You Need An Attorney After a Car Accident

castane lecca car accident
On average, there are around 6 million car accidents in the United States every year. After these accidents, most people find themselves wondering if they need an attorney in order to receive proper compensation. Even in minor fender benders, victims may need to acquire legal representation.  It’s overwhelming to handle your physical pain, financial stress and negotiate with insurance adjusters all on your own. Suppose you are injured in a car accident because of another driver’s negligence. In that case, it’s in your best interest to hire a car accident injury attorney to help with your injury claim.  After a car accident, the first thing you should do is call 911 and get the medical attention you require. After gathering proper evidence and speaking to witnesses, you should contact an experienced car accident attorney to learn the next steps you need to take in order to get compensation. There are many reasons you should speak to an attorney after your accident, from getting maximum compensation to ensuring you recieve proper medical care. Read more to find out what the benefits are. 

What Can Be Done about My Hit and Run?

A hit and run occurs any time there is a collision between vehicles or between a vehicle and a pedestrian, and the people involved leave the scene before proper steps have been taken to address the situation. Being a victim in a hit and run can be really disorienting and distressing, so we want to give you some simple action steps to follow if you find yourself in this situation. Georgia law takes hit and run offenses seriously, and we want you to be encouraged to know that there is usually a way forward in circumstances like this.

Dustin Thompson


Dustin Thompson was raised in rural Camilla, Georgia. Dustin graduated from Georgia Southern University majoring in political science and history. After graduation, Dustin obtained a law degree from Georgia State University College of Law in Atlanta. Before becoming a lawyer, Dustin worked a variety of jobs from a watermelon farm in Mitchell County to a policy think tank in Washington D.C. Dustin has practiced law almost exclusively in the workers’ compensation arena since 2014. For nearly a decade, he worked for a large defense firm in Georgia representing employers and insurers and gaining the invaluable experience and knowledge of how insurers defend claims. In 2023, Dustin joined the firm to use his expertise and litigation skills to help individuals who have been injured as a result of work accidents and third-party negligence.  Dustin has been repeatedly recognized by Best Lawyers: “Ones to Watch” in the practice of workers’ compensation. Outside of work, Dustin enjoys traveling, hunting, and attending sporting events. He and his family are active in Buckhead Church.



Michael Boeschen (Mike) was born in Wichita, KS and raised in Chattanooga, TN. Mike graduated from The McCallie School and went on to study history, Spanish, and Latin American Studies at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. After graduation, he went on to pursue a law degree from the University Of Georgia School Of Law. During law school, Mike participated in the Legal Aid Clinic, assisting in the defense of indigent criminal defendants. Mike has been licensed to practice law in Georgia since 2002 and his main practice area consists of representing injured workers as they navigate through the Georgia workers’ compensation system. Mike is also fluent in Spanish. In his spare time Mike enjoys following soccer, cooking, and spending time with his wife and two young daughters. Mike and his family are parishioners of the Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Sandy Springs, GA





Edward Denker was born in Philadelphia, PA but has made Georgia his home since 1999. He graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor’s degree in liberal arts. He then earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of Georgia. Edward spent his first years in practice representing clients in personal injury and wrongful death claims. He then spent more than a decade honing his litigation skills representing employers and insurers in workers’ compensation claims, where he gained immense experience and knowledge of how insurers defend those claims. In 2017, Edward returned to his passion of representing people who have been injured at work or through the negligence of others. When he isn’t working, Edward enjoys spending time with his wife and their two children. He is also an avid sports fan, and enjoys cooking and travel



Iliana Dobrev was born in Bulgaria. After high school, she immigrated to the United States to study law. She graduated magna cum laude from Georgia State University with a Bachelor’s in political science concentrating on pre-law and minoring in Spanish. In 2015, she graduated from Georgia State University College of Law. While in law school, Iliana completed a Graduate Research Assistantship in Labor and Employment Law and Employment Discrimination and two externships in Immigration Law. As an immigrant herself, Iliana is passionate about advocating for and defending immigrants. She is delighted to help families stay together and pursue the American dream. Iliana is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association and worked in both a fellowship and a firm specializing in immigration law. Iliana is fluent in Bulgarian and Spanish



Ken Thaxton was born and raised in Roberta, GA. When Ken was a child, his father started a trucking business, which Ken ultimately spent over ten years working with through his late teens and twenties. Ken graduated from Houston County High School in Warner Robins, GA in 2001 with a 4.0 GPA. He then studied Business and Information Technology at Macon State College, ultimately graduating with a 4.0 GPA in 2004. After graduation, Ken continued to work with his father’s trucking company, and in late 2005, Ken and his father started an aircraft charter company, Southern Jet, Inc., under Part 135 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. Ken served as President of Southern Jet from 2006 until 2010, when he and his father sold the company. Ken is a Commercially Licensed Instrument, Multi-Engine Pilot. While serving as President of Southern Jet, Ken started Law School at the University of Georgia School of Law in 2009. Ken focused primarily on business and civil law, including Workers’ Compensation, while at UGA. He graduated Cum Laude and in the top 25% of his class from UGA Law in 2012. Ken is a licensed to practice law in the State of Georgia, and he is also a licensed neutral (mediator) in the State of Georgia. Ken represents small businesses in transactional matters and business conflicts, and he also represents injured workers and Plaintiffs injured in cases of negligence. During his spare time, Ken enjoys swimming, cycling, sporting clays, and fishing. He also does charity work with a national scholarship fund



Alexander Lecca (Alex) was born in Miami, Florida to immigrant parents from Cuba and Peru. Alex graduated from Coral Gables High School, where he was a recipient of the Elsa Glazer Award (given to students who graduate with a 3.5 GPA and above). He went on to study marketing at the University of Miami School of Business Administration. At the University of Miami he was also a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. After graduation, he went on to pursue a law degree from St. Thomas University School of Law. In law school, Alex received several book awards and graduated Cum Laude. During law school Alex clerked for the Honorable Beth Bloom, had an internship with the Miami-Dade County Public Defender’s office, and clerked for a prestigious litigation law firm. Alex is licensed to practice law in both Georgia and Florida and handles workers’ compensation and personal injury cases. He is also a registered mediator with the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution. Alex is also fluent in Spanish. During his spare time, Alex enjoys outdoor activities with his wife and four children. He also helps coach his children’s baseball, football, basketball, and soccer teams. Alex and his family are parishioners of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church



Dan Castan is a senior partner at Castan and Lecca, PC in Buckhead and represents injured workers before the State Board of Workers’ Compensation and plaintiffs in State and Superior Courts of Georgia for injuries suffered in accidents. Dan litigated one of the seminal claims securing the rights of undocumented workers to receive Workers’ Compensation benefits in the state of Georgia when injured in the case of Wet Walls, Inc. vs. Ledesma. Dan has successfully fought and settled multi million dollar cases. He was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey to immigrant parents from Cuba. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Boston College and received his Juris Doctor from The Washington College of Law at The American University in Washington D.C.  Dan was admitted to the Georgia Bar in November, 1993.  He is an active member of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, Atlanta Bar Association and the Workers’ Compensation Section of the State Bar of Georgia. Dan is a founding member and Director of the Latino Victory Fund Georgia and serves on the Board of The Latin American Association. Dan has been dedicated to getting Latinos elected to local, state and Federal offices in Georgia. He has been a Big Brother through Big Brothers and Sisters of Metro Atlanta and a mentor through The Latin American Association’s mentor/mentee program. Dan is married with two children.