3 Reasons Why You Should Go To The Doctor For Whiplash
Whiplash is an injury that occurs when the neck moves back and forth in a very quick fashion with great force. Whiplash is when the soft tissues in the neck extend beyond their typical range of motion. This extension results in damage and neck pain.
Many times, this neck pain is mild to moderate. This means that it can usually be addressed with over the counter medications. But sometimes, the pain is too great to bear, and the injured person must seek out professional help. Medical attention is crucial at this point to avoid possible long-term damage and chronic pain.
Whiplash can commonly occur as the result of a car accident. Many injuries from rear-ended accidents include whiplash. This specific type of injury can also occur from the following:
roller coasters and amusement park rides
physical abuse
sports injuries
Everyone is different–and that includes accident scenarios, whether first aid was administered, and any pre-existing conditions. That is why this blog does not serve as medical advice, but only for informational purposes.
Let’s break down some reasons why someone might want professional medical attention from a doctor in the case of a whiplash injury.
Look Out for These Symptoms
Following an accident, the victim should always seek out medical attention, whether that includes on-site first aid or treatment at a doctor’s office or hospital. When you seek treatment, the medical professional ask about or observe these following symptoms:
Neck stiffness
Headaches at the base of the skull
Blurred vision
Tiredness or fatigue
Muscle spasms
Neck pain that worsens with movement
Based upon close observations and discussions, the doctor will determine the best course of treatment for you and your specific situation. Sometimes, there could be more serious symptoms present.
More serious symptoms warrant immediate medical attention. These include:
Pain spreading from neck to arms
Painful head movement
Numbness or weakness in arms or legs
Severe neck pain
A whiplash injury can include a multitude of symptoms. Some of these symptoms can seem completely unrelated to the initial injury, especially if they occur in the leg or arm. This is why it’s always beneficial to be seen by an experienced medical professional following a car accident.
A Professional Can Rule Out Other Issues
After a car accident, some injuries are quite apparent while others remain hidden. This is why it’s important to get checked out by a professional. They can rule out other issues like nerve damage or fractures. These two conditions can prove to be more serious than whiplash and may require different treatment.
If you experience numbing or tingling, this could indicate a severe issue that would go beyond the scope of whiplash. While you might assume that you’ve sustained a whiplash injury in your car accident, it could be something else entirely.
Only a trained medical professional would be able to determine, through a series of observations and tests, whether you have whiplash or not.
You Want to Avoid Long-Term Damage
Failing to treat or diagnose injuries within a certain amount of time could possibly result in long-term damage. This damage could include physical injury, but it could also result in depression, loss of enjoyment of life, or chronic pain.
A medical professional is specifically trained to observe, treat, and diagnose illnesses and injuries. They enjoy a wealth of knowledge geared toward your health and recovery. Whiplash could include damage to the following areas:
Because this type of injury spans several different parts of the body and components, it’s important to get it diagnosed properly. If there is a lack of diagnosis or a misdiagnosis, this could result in further complications.
Generally, the doctor will observe you, ask you questions regarding the injury or your pain level, evaluate your range of motion and monitor your strength.
There could sometimes be complications with whiplash injuries. Some victims experience pain or headaches years after the accident. But while it’s always good to be aware of long term issues, many whiplash injuries resolve within a matter of days or weeks.
Physical Therapy
Beyond taking over the counter medications for whiplash pain, a doctor might recommend physical therapy as a treatment. It can be a vital part to an accident victim’s recovery. A physical therapist is a trained expert who will assist you in a series of gentle exercises to rebuild strength following an injury.
Undergoing physical therapy could actually prevent injuries from worsening, long term damage, and help facilitate the recovery process. Furthermore, it might also prevent victims from having to have surgery.
Depending upon your injury, physical therapy treatments could span anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. The goal of physical therapy is to focus on muscle strength and recovery.
Recommended Treatments
After a whiplash diagnosis following comprehensive medical evaluation, your doctor may prescribe some things you can do to help with recovery and pain management. These treatments can include:
Icing the site
Applying heat
Treat pain with acetaminophen or ibuprofen
Treating spasms with muscle relaxants
Wearing a cervical collar
Lying down with a small pillow underneath the neck to relieve pressure
This is just a small list of possible treatments. It’s always best to check with your primary care provider on which would be best for you. Everyone’s case is different, so you might benefit from personalized care.
The Takeaway on Whiplash Injury
Whiplash can range from a mild neck pain to seriously damaging long-term effects. Every car accident is different, and everyone’s body and physical health is different as well. This is why it’s always good to seek medical attention after an accident.
Sometimes the symptoms can be immediate or they could have a delayed onset. No matter the time frame, it’s crucial to get medical attention so that you can be aware of possible effects. A doctor is qualified to determine whether you might experience long-term or chronic pain from this type of injury. They can also rule out other types of conditions, as well.
In addition to ruling out issues, they can recommend further tests like MRIs and other treatments like physical therapy.
If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you are not alone in filing a personal injury claim. In order to maximize your compensation and restore your wellbeing, you should have an experienced professional by your side.
It’s important to seek immediate medical care following a car accident so that you can start documenting any possible injuries. Furthermore, it’s also crucial to start documenting evidence of timely medical care. If insurance companies see a gap between the time of the accident and medical care, they could argue that you are not injured at all.
Even if the injury seems mild, it’s always best to be cautious and seek professional care. Therefore, you should get checked out by a professional who can give you advice, monitor your symptoms, document your injury, and provide the necessary treatments.
No matter where your personal injury case goes–from settlement, to mediation, to trial–you deserve peace of mind. You don’t need to be worrying about how to negotiate with insurance companies while trying to make crucial physical therapy appointments.
At Castan & Lecca, we pride ourselves on our accessibility, trustworthiness, and experience. Those three things are what make all the difference in personal injury law. If you want a free consultation of your case, contact us today. With Castan & Lecca, you’ll get exceptional attorneys and superior results.