The time after a car accident can be confusing, traumatic and even chaotic. You could be injured, out of work, juggling doctor’s appointments or even without transportation. But it’s important for you to know that you have options–and you have a right to protect your own interests, especially if the insurers are telling you otherwise.
There could be a lot to expect–a lot of bills and a lot of expenses. To get prepared for the process following an accident, especially if you need to file a personal injury claim against the at-fault party, you’ll need to keep track of actions you take and the documentation you receive. All of this documentation will be crucial in filing your claim, getting your compensation or even going to trial.
This is why it’s important to retain legal counsel when you need to file a personal injury claim following a car accident.
In this blog post, we will review the types of documentation your attorney might need if they represent you in a car accident personal injury claim. Generally speaking, it’s important to keep track of any items or information you may receive in connection with your injuries from a car accident.
Medical Documentation
As soon as possible following the accident, you should receive medical attention from a healthcare provider. Depending upon the nature of the accident, you may even receive treatment at the scene or be transported to the hospital.
Even if you feel that your injuries are minor, you should always receive medical attention as soon as possible following the accident. The sooner you receive treatment, the sooner injuries can be addressed–and the sooner you can heal.
But even beyond physical healing, the sooner you start documenting medical treatment, the stronger your personal injury claim could be.
What are the types of medical documentation your personal injury lawyer would need to help you file a claim? Here are just a few examples:
Medical Records – You will want to include any medical records that exist from after the accident (which would include treatment for injuries), but medical records from before the accident might be relevant as well if you had existing injuries that were made worse by the accident itself. It is also important to note that requesting medical records may take a long time, so request them as soon as possible so that your personal injury attorney may use them in your claim.
Medical Bills – Any doctors’ or therapists’ bills from injury treatment would be relevant to your personal injury lawyer. Be sure to keep careful track of every appointment, every note and every bill. But medical-related expenses could also include hotel bills for having to travel for treatment, bills for medical equipment you may have needed to use, and any medical leave you were forced to take from work.
Not only will you have to provide evidence of an injury diagnosed by a medical professional, but you may also receive compensation to pay for those bills.
Injury Diary – Sometimes, it may be hard to recall all of the medications, treatments, therapies you had to take and how much pain you experienced after the accident. This is especially true for accident victims whose cases last several months. That’s why an injury diary is a good idea to keep track of how your life was affected by the injury from the accident. It will help you remember, in detail, important points about your experience.
Accident Documentation
If you are able, you should always take pictures following a car accident and document the scene. This includes getting the other parties’ information (insurance and driver’s license information), making note of the weather conditions and time of day, and any police report.
This accident documentation will be crucial for your personal injury claim. If your case goes to trial and fault must be established, the nature of the accident–including the evidence–will be called into question.
Insurance Information
When you experience a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, you should always provide your legal counsel with any existing insurance policies you may currently hold. This will be important when your attorney must deal with the insurers during the claim process.
It’s important to note that while you must work with insurance companies during the aftermath of an accident, they do not always have your best interests in mind. Their goal is to make sure they have to pay out as little compensation as possible.
This could mean trying to get you to sign away your rights early on in the process or delaying the process entirely so that you are prevented from even being compensated at all. This is why it’s important that your attorney has access to insurance information and all other documentation.
Next Steps
So what do you do after you’ve been injured in an accident? First, you want to ensure your own personal safety and the safety of those in your vehicle. This could mean something as simple as moving the car from the traffic lanes or getting medical attention. You also want to document the scene of the accident in as much detail as possible. If you can’t take notes, you might want to use your phone to record an audio note of your thoughts or record a video.
After that, you want to make sure you are assessed by a medical professional for any underlying injuries. Many times, car accident injuries aren’t immediately apparent and might cause victims to put off going to the hospital or seeing their doctor. If medical attention is delayed, it could cause the injury to worsen.
After you’ve received medical attention, it’s important to secure your rights. At Castan & Lecca, we have a team of experienced attorneys that want to hear your story. Call us today for a free consultation of your case.
The Takeaway
So what’s next? Overall, it’s important to know that you should document everything you are able to after being in an accident. We know it’s tough, especially if you’ve been injured. But you are not alone.
At Castan & Lecca, we can help you keep track of every piece of documentation connected to the car accident and the personal injury claim–everything from transportation bills to doctor’s bills. Keeping track of this information will not only help you prove your case, but it will make sure you get the compensation you need for your recovery.
We offer free consultations of car accident cases, so give us a call today. We want to hear your story.