What Information Should You Give Your Lawyer After a Work Accident?

When a worker suffers an injury at work, it can be a stressful and overwhelming moment. In addition to dealing with the physical consequences of the injury, the worker must also face financial concerns and uncertainty about how to pay their medical bills and cover daily expenses while recovering. In these cases, it is important to hire a specialized workers’ compensation attorney to protect their rights.

However, for an attorney to provide the best possible assistance, it is essential to provide them with all relevant information about the accident and injuries. In this post by Castan & Lecca, attorneys specializing in workers’ compensation, we will explain what information a worker should give to their attorney to help ensure their workers’ compensation claim is handled effectively.

Personal Information

The first piece of information an injured worker should provide to their attorney is their detailed personal information, including their full name, address, phone number, and email address.

This information is essential for the attorney to communicate with the worker and provide updates on the status of their claim. Additionally, the worker’s personal information will be necessary for filing the required legal documentation for the claim. Make sure to provide accurate and up-to-date information to ensure smooth and effective communication between you and your attorney.

Accident Details

Another important piece of information that an injured worker should provide to their injury attorney when filing a claim is the details of the accident, including the date and time it occurred and how it happened.

It is crucial for the worker to provide a detailed description of the accident, including any hazardous situations or conditions in the workplace that may have contributed to the injury. Also, it helps to provide any photographs or videos the worker may have of the accident scene and the injuries sustained.

This information will help the attorney understand the circumstances surrounding the accident and assess who is responsible. Remember, the more details you can provide, the better your attorney’s understanding of your situation will be.

Injuries Sustained

The injured worker should also provide detailed information on the injuries sustained. This includes the type of injury, its severity, and any received medical treatment.

It is also important to include details about medical care, prescribed medications, and the names of the doctors and specialists who have treated the worker. With this information, the attorney can evaluate the value of the claim and determine the type of workers’ compensation benefits the worker may be eligible to receive.

Don’t forget to provide any relevant medical documentation, such as injury reports, bills, and medical records, to support your claim.

Witnesses and Statements

If there were any eyewitnesses to the accident, it’s important to provide your attorney with their names and contact details. If possible, request written statements from the witnesses, as these can be valuable in supporting your claim.

If there were no witnesses, be sure to provide any other evidence that may support your claim in your workers’ compensation case, such as pictures or videos of the accident scene or the injuries sustained. Your attorney will use this information to strengthen your claim and increase your chances of success in the workers’ compensation process.

Communication Exchanges with the Employer

The injured worker should provide information about any communication they had with their employer regarding the accident and the injuries sustained. If the worker has filed a workers’ compensation claim with their employer, they should provide any documentation related to that claim, including any written or email communication with the employer.

Additionally, if the worker has spoken to a supervisor or manager about the accident, they should provide details of those conversations. Your workers’ compensation lawyer can use this information to determine if the employer has fulfilled their legal obligations and can work to solve any issues that may have arisen in the claims process.

In conclusion, providing your workers’ compensation attorney with accurate and complete information is essential to ensure that your claim is resolved effectively and quickly. Remember to provide personal information, details of the accident, injuries sustained, witnesses and statements, communications with your employer, and any other relevant information that may help your attorney support your claim.

If you have suffered a workplace injury, do not hesitate to contact Castan & Lecca, specialized workers’ compensation attorneys. We have extensive experience working on cases involving work-related injuries and their families to obtain maximum benefits and compensation.

Request your free consultation now and we will guide you through the entire claims filing process. We are committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcome for your case. To schedule a free consultation, contact us by clicking here.





5 Reasons Why It’s Ok To Change Your Personal Injury Attorney

At Castan & Lecca, as a personal injury law firm, we know how difficult it can be for victims to deal with the aftermath of a serious injury, facing all the obstacles that can arise throughout the recovery process. However, having a trusted attorney that is ready to provide legal guidance and support along the way can make a difference.

On the other hand, if you feel like your attorney is not meeting your expectations or carrying out your legal process correctly and are considering changing attorneys, you may want to read this article. We explain five reasons we deem ok to replace your personal injury lawyer and tips on how to do so in an amicable manner.

Reason 1: There is a lack of proper attention and communication

One of the reasons we’ve seen that people change their attorneys in personal injury cases is due to the lawyer’s lack of attention and proper communication. Remember: always choose an attorney available to answer your questions and provide clear information about the case’s progress.

If you feel your attorney is not providing you the attention and communication you deserve, it may be time to consider finding other options elsewhere. When it comes to legal matters, you shouldn’t have to struggle to get answers or feel in the dark about the status of your case.

Reason 2: A lack of results

Another reason that it’s more than ok to change your personal injury attorney is if there is a lack of results, or you feel your case isn’t going anywhere. We recommend that it’s better to have an attorney that has experience dealing with personal injury cases and has the resources necessary to handle your case and get your compensation.

If you feel that your lawyer isn’t making any progress with your case or isn’t trying their best to get you a great settlement, it may be time to find someone else to represent you. However, we want you to know that it isn’t always possible to get a perfect outcome when it comes to personal injury cases. But what you can control is choosing an attorney that works hard to get you the best possible result and that is honest with you about your options and provide you with realistic expectations.

Reason 3: Differences in work philosophy

The third reason it’s ok to have another attorney carry out your case may be due to differences in work philosophy, or in other words, not having both your and your lawyer’s expectations aligned. Every attorney has their own style and approach in representing personal injury cases, therefore, find the right lawyer that carries out your case as you imagine it and shares the same goals.

For example, some attorneys look to settle your case as soon as possible and are willing to accept a less-than-favorable settlement offer to avoid going to trial. Whereas other lawyers are willing to go in front of a judge or a jury if that means getting the best result for their clients. That is why if you feel your current lawyer is trying to convince you to accept the first offer, start looking for other legal options elsewhere.

Although, we want you to know that changing attorneys in the middle of a legal process isn’t as easy as said as done. In addition, your new lawyer might need to start from scratch with your legal strategy and will need time to familiarize themselves with your case. But, it’s better to start over with an attorney that you feel comfortable with than one that doesn’t align with your expectations.

Reason 4: Your attorney acts in an unprofessional manner

Sadly, some lawyers may engage in unethical practices, such as failing to disclose all relevant information regarding their clients’ cases or pressuring them to accept a lowball offer. Situations like these show these unscrupulous lawyers’ true colors in representing their clients and may be a valid reason to consider changing personal injury attorneys.

Professional ethics is a set of principles and values that guide the behavior of lawyers in the practice of their profession. These principles include the duty to respect the law and ethical rules, the duty to act with integrity and honesty, and the duty to protect the interests of their clients and respect their confidentiality.

When a lawyer fails to comply with these ethical principles, what they’re really doing is hurting their relationship with their clients. Don’t settle for less when it comes to having the right attorney for your case; if you feel that your current lawyer is not acting ethically or have doubts about their behavior, start considering changing your legal representation.

Reason 5: There is a conflict of interest

Conflicts of interest may arise in cases, and some attorneys may feel these situations affect their ability to properly represent a client in a personal injury case. Conflicts of interest usually happen when their ability to act in the best interest of their client.

For example, if an attorney has a personal or business relationship with one of the parties involved in the case, it may be difficult for him or her to act impartially and properly represent their client’s case. Likewise, if a lawyer has previously worked with one of the parties involved in -the case that isn’t the client- or has a friendly relationship with them, there may be a conflict of interest.

If your lawyer has any conflicts of interest, they should inform you and discuss how your case can be properly handled. But if you feel that your attorney hasn’t disclosed this information, we recommend to talk them and asking them about it. It’s about whether you wish to continue with them or change attorneys.

How can I start changing my attorney?

In conclusion, there are several reasons why it becomes necessary to change attorneys in personal injury cases, including lack of proper attention and communication, lack of results, differences in work philosophy, lack of professional ethics, and conflicts of interest. It is important to find and choose an attorney you trust, seeking advice, looking at their previous results, and reading their law firm’s reviews before making a final decision.

In case you’re currently looking for new attorneys, at Castan & Lecca, we’re ready to provide you with the legal guidance and assistance you need with your personal injury case. If you wish to let us start working on your case or want to know what we can offer you, contact us for a free consultation.






The time after a car accident can be confusing, traumatic and even chaotic. You could be injured, out of work, juggling doctor’s appointments or even without transportation. But it’s important for you to know that you have options–and you have a right to protect your own interests, especially if the insurers are telling you otherwise.

There could be a lot to expect–a lot of bills and a lot of expenses. To get prepared for the process following an accident, especially if you need to file a personal injury claim against the at-fault party, you’ll need to keep track of actions you take and the documentation you receive. All of this documentation will be crucial in filing your claim, getting your compensation or even going to trial.

This is why it’s important to retain legal counsel when you need to file a personal injury claim following a car accident.

In this blog post, we will review the types of documentation your attorney might need if they represent you in a car accident personal injury claim. Generally speaking, it’s important to keep track of any items or information you may receive in connection with your injuries from a car accident. 

Medical Documentation

As soon as possible following the accident, you should receive medical attention from a healthcare provider. Depending upon the nature of the accident, you may even receive treatment at the scene or be transported to the hospital.

Even if you feel that your injuries are minor, you should always receive medical attention as soon as possible following the accident. The sooner you receive treatment, the sooner injuries can be addressed–and the sooner you can heal.

But even beyond physical healing, the sooner you start documenting medical treatment, the stronger your personal injury claim could be.

What are the types of medical documentation your personal injury lawyer would need to help you file a claim? Here are just a few examples:

Medical Records – You will want to include any medical records that exist from after the accident (which would include treatment for injuries), but medical records from before the accident might be relevant as well if you had existing injuries that were made worse by the accident itself. It is also important to note that requesting medical records may take a long time, so request them as soon as possible so that your personal injury attorney may use them in your claim. 

Medical Bills – Any doctors’ or therapists’ bills from injury treatment would be relevant to your personal injury lawyer. Be sure to keep careful track of every appointment, every note and every bill. But medical-related expenses could also include hotel bills for having to travel for treatment, bills for medical equipment you may have needed to use, and any medical leave you were forced to take from work. 

Not only will you have to provide evidence of an injury diagnosed by a medical professional, but you may also receive compensation to pay for those bills. 

Injury Diary – Sometimes, it may be hard to recall all of the medications, treatments, therapies you had to take and how much pain you experienced after the accident. This is especially true for accident victims whose cases last several months. That’s why an injury diary is a good idea to keep track of how your life was affected by the injury from the accident. It will help you remember, in detail, important points about your experience.

Accident Documentation

If you are able, you should always take pictures following a car accident and document the scene. This includes getting the other parties’ information (insurance and driver’s license information), making note of the weather conditions and time of day, and any police report.

This accident documentation will be crucial for your personal injury claim. If your case goes to trial and fault must be established, the nature of the accident–including the evidence–will be called into question.

Insurance Information 

When you experience a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, you should always provide your legal counsel with any existing insurance policies you may currently hold. This will be important when your attorney must deal with the insurers during the claim process. 

It’s important to note that while you must work with insurance companies during the aftermath of an accident, they do not always have your best interests in mind. Their goal is to make sure they have to pay out as little compensation as possible.

This could mean trying to get you to sign away your rights early on in the process or delaying the process entirely so that you are prevented from even being compensated at all. This is why it’s important that your attorney has access to insurance information and all other documentation. 

Next Steps

So what do you do after you’ve been injured in an accident? First, you want to ensure your own personal safety and the safety of those in your vehicle. This could mean something as simple as moving the car from the traffic lanes or getting medical attention. You also want to document the scene of the accident in as much detail as possible. If you can’t take notes, you might want to use your phone to record an audio note of your thoughts or record a video. 

After that, you want to make sure you are assessed by a medical professional for any underlying injuries. Many times, car accident injuries aren’t immediately apparent and might cause victims to put off going to the hospital or seeing their doctor. If medical attention is delayed, it could cause the injury to worsen. 

After you’ve received medical attention, it’s important to secure your rights. At Castan & Lecca, we have a team of experienced attorneys that want to hear your story. Call us today for a free consultation of your case. 

The Takeaway 

So what’s next? Overall, it’s important to know that you should document everything you are able to after being in an accident. We know it’s tough, especially if you’ve been injured. But you are not alone.

At Castan & Lecca, we can help you keep track of every piece of documentation connected to the car accident and the personal injury claim–everything from transportation bills to doctor’s bills. Keeping track of this information will not only help you prove your case, but it will make sure you get the compensation you need for your recovery. 

We offer free consultations of car accident cases, so give us a call today. We want to hear your story.




The time following an accident can be confusing–and challenging. Whether it’s recovering from a car accident injury, a slip and fall in a public place, or dealing with the aftermath of a workplace injury, there’s a lot to navigate. Suddenly you’re overwhelmed with insurance companies, doctor’s appointments–even surgery and rehabilitation. You might not be able to work–and your family’s well being could be at stake. 

And in the midst of all of this, your insurer might say you don’t need personal legal representation. They might try to convince you to sign a settlement, even if you’re unsure.

But you should know that you have rights–and you have options. You are entitled to personal representation and to be able to have your voice heard. At Castan & Lecca, we represent clients who’ve been silenced by insurance companies and the powers that be–and we make sure that their rights are protected.

So why do you need an attorney, especially if your insurer says you don’t? In this blog we’ll cover the reasons why it’s best to have personal legal representation in a personal injury case. 



Insurance companies do not always protect your interests; they protect their own. If you’re in a car accident, the insurers will have teams of attorneys to try and find ways to minimize the compensation that they must pay out. This compensation may not ultimately be enough to cover your own expenses, especially if you experience the loss of your car. 

The same goes for going up against hospitals and their insurers if you’re filing a medical malpractice claim. Your injury could be severe enough to warrant surgery, numerous doctors appointments, therapies and extensive recovery time. What’s more, you could be unable to work for a long period of time as you heal. But the insurance pay out just might not be enough.

Insurance companies will stall your case to delay the process, sometimes even pushing it past the statute of limitations period for your claim. Once that period has expired, it makes it impossible for you to file a claim and therefore impossible for you to receive compensation. If the insurance companies have been trying to delay your claims process, don’t wait. Get in touch with us so we can advocate for you.

You should always have a legal counsel present when you sign documents. The reason for this is because the insurance company cannot always be trusted. Remember: They are not working for you.

It’s common for insurance companies to try to get you to sign documentation at the beginning of the process that signs away your rights if you want to pursue legal action in the future. When it comes to dealing with the insurance companies, it’s important for you to have a legal advocate on your side.


The personal injury legal process can be quite complex and determining appropriate settlements is an intricate matter. It is strongly recommended that you seek legal counsel before filing any sort of personal injury claim. It’s crucial for you to work with a lawyer who is well-versed in the specific area of practice that’s relevant to your incident, whether it’s a car accident, slip and fall or worker’s compensation. The team at Castan & Lecca has the knowledge and expertise necessary to assist you through this difficult time.

We center our work around three core values: accessibility, trustworthiness and experience. We know these three core elements make up superior legal representation that delivers results. Our legal team has decades of experience in the personal injury field, with numerous certifications and licenses. When it comes to personal injury representation–and going up against insurers who don’t have your best interests at heart–it’s important to have an experienced team representing you.


Insurance companies may want to do two things.They either want to get you to sign away your rights so you cannot pursue legal action in the future, or they want to delay processing your claim for so long that the statute of limitations runs out. If the statute of limitations runs out, then you cannot get the compensation you deserve.

Due to our extensive experience within the field of personal injury law, we know how to navigate your case so that you can get the maximum compensation you deserve. Every case that we represent is unique–and every case is complex. We’re extremely well-versed in how to ensure that our clients’ rights are preserved and that they get the compensation they need for recovery, covering lost wages, and to ensure their family’s wellbeing.


When it comes to injuries, it’s always crucial to get medical attention immediately following the accident. First and foremost, your health is top priority. Getting immediate medical attention from a healthcare provider ensures that you can get back to your typical way of life as soon as possible.

But on top of physical and mental wellbeing, getting medical attention as soon as possible after an accident is important for documentation of your case. When you file a personal injury or workers’ compensation claim–or even pursue a trial–evidence of your injury is a crucial component to your case. Having documented evidence of the extent of your injury or injuries will be used in filing your claim–and will directly impact how much you receive in compensation.

It might be hard to know what medical resources you can use during the time following an accident, but you should know that when you choose to get legal representation, we can help you navigate the medical documentation process and set you on the right course to recovery.


Some cases require settlements and others might include mediation or even going to trial–every case is different. But how can you know what’s right for your case? You should consult an attorney as soon as possible after your accident. Your attorney will help you decide whether to pursue an insurance settlement or if a lawsuit is necessary. Getting the process started quickly will ensure your rights are preserved.

The discovery, or research, phase of a personal injury claim can last several months to a year. It may involve continued doctor’s appointments for you and logging expenses, as well extensive recovery time. For your attorney, this phase involves gathering information, examining witnesses, securing documentation, and consolidating all the evidence that will be used.

During this time, we use all of our resources–and our experience–to explore every aspect of your case. We pursue every avenue to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you need for your recovery. While you take the time to recover, we get to work!


Being injured in an accident can be stressful, but the aftermath of the accident doesn’t have to be. When you choose to be represented by a personal injury attorney–even if your insurer says you don’t need one–we provide the guidance and experience you need to make sure your wellbeing is intact.

At Castan & Lecca, we are a team of seasoned attorneys who represent our clients’ rights. We explore every aspect of your case, we leverage our decades of experience–we even assist with ensuring you have the right medical resources at your fingertips–all because we want your rights to be preserved and protected. 

If you’ve been injured in an accident, call us today for a free consultation of your case. We want to hear your story.




Injured In a Car Accident – How Can I Get Medical Help and Compensation?

The aftermath of suffering a car accident can be an overwhelming and traumatic experience. So many emotions may be rushing through your body, which can leave you not knowing what to do. But remember, the first step after an accident is to check if you and other passengers have injuries. 

After examining your injuries, you might have doubts such as: “Should I call an ambulance? Do medical costs come out of my pocket? Who pays for my injuries?” Since we know that you may have more questions after an auto accident, in this blog article, we will provide answers to these issues and more information on receiving medical care after a car accident.


The first thing to do is: get medical help.

In any type of accident, personal injuries, work accidents, or car crashes, once you’ve checked if you or others have injuries, you should call 911 for an ambulance -if there are any wounds- and wait for the police to arrive on the scene.

Having first aid arrive at the accident scene can establish a link between the incident and your injuries. They document what injuries were visible right after the aftermath. These medical evaluations are a clear piece of evidence to show in your insurance claim, so the insurance company pays for your injuries.

Despite not feeling or seeing any injuries, you will still need to visit a doctor or go to the hospital. Why? Insurance companies can defend themselves from not paying your compensation by arguing that if you didn’t see a physician, you weren’t injured (or severely harmed). On the other hand, you might have injuries that can appear later on, which are:

  • Neck, back, or shoulder pain caused by whiplash.
  • Back pain due to injuries to the muscles, ligaments, or nerves.
  • Numbness in arms and hands.

For these reasons, we strongly recommend you visit a doctor within 24 hours after your accident. Any ache, pain, or sensitivity you have should be discussed with your physician to ensure they document all your symptoms. If there are any preexisting conditions, also disclose this to your doctor. Either way, you will undergo medical tests to check for any brain injury and get a proper diagnosis for your correct treatment.

Also, going to a doctor’s visit allows you to have the documents needed to show that the accident caused you physical harm. By doing so, you can:

  • Have a report of any progress or new health developments of your injuries.
  • Show the insurance company that your injuries are affecting your livelihood.
  • Have proof of all the physicians and therapy sessions needed during your treatment.


Who pays for my medical costs?

A common worry most accident victims may have is: who is responsible for paying for my medical costs? Is it my insurance company or the other driver’s insurer? Does it come out of my pocket? These concerns may cause stress and lead people to shy away from getting medical attention. However, we want to explain how this process works to calm any potential anxiety and assure you get medical care after a car crash.

In Georgia, each driver involved in an accident has to pay for their medical costs upfront. If you have a healthcare insurance plan, your insurer will pay for all of your treatment. Even having medical coverage (MedPay) can pay a portion of your bills.

But if you don’t have health insurance or money to pay and need medical help, it is recommended to have an experienced auto accident attorney on your side. Why? For example, here at Castan & Lecca, we count on an allied network of doctors and chiropractors that can treat you on a lien basis. In other words, their services will be paid once you reach a settlement for your injuries.

However, it’s not always going to be you who’s responsible for medical costs. Once your case is settled, you’ll receive a reimbursement of your medical bills from the at-fault driver’s insurer. That is why having an attorney on your side and keeping all of your medical documents can make sure you are completely compensated for your injuries.


How can Castan & Lecca help me during this process?

We understand that getting medical help after an auto accident shouldn’t be a road you take alone. At Castan & Lecca, we are committed to helping injured victims of auto accidents and even rideshare accidents get compensation for their injuries.

We guide you when you’re signing legal documents. The at-fault driver’s insurer or even your insurance company has one goal in mind: protecting their economic interests. To do so, they may confuse you with technical vocabulary or propose a lowball offer. Since we know their methods, our attorneys will explain in detail what you are signing to not lose out on your compensation.

On the other hand, we will help you file insurance claims quickly. One common mistake we see in these cases that lose out on a car accident claim is not meeting the deadlines to file a claim. Insurance companies use stalling tactics to delay the process as much as possible and try to go over the statute of limitations period. That is why we advocate on your behalf to speed up this process and attain superior results.

Lastly, when we start representing your case, not only are we making sure your medical costs are covered, we make sure you are compensated for:

  • Pain and suffering damages.
  • Lost wages and future lost income.
  • Car repairment costs.

At Castan & Lecca, we are ready to help your life get back on track after an accident. Call us today at 770-800-7000 or contact us to schedule a free consultation on your case. We are exceptional attorneys that bring superior results to our clients.


Car accidents are the most common type of personal injury cases, but they can prove to be complicated because every case comes with different circumstances. On top of that, you or your family might be taking time to recover from injuries sustained in the accident–which could leave you out of work. To make matters more challenging, your stress could be compounded by your undocumented immigration status.

Of course, your first priority should be you and your family’s well being–and you should be able to leave the work to legal professionals. Due to the complex nature of car accidents, it’s crucial to have an experienced, knowledgeable and trustworthy team on your side.

At Castan & Lecca, we have the decades of experience needed–coupled with the dedication to our clients and the relevant legal knowledge–to guide you through this trying time. Furthermore, we understand that being an undocumented immigrant can prove to make an already stressful situation even more difficult. But when you choose us, you’re getting a caring partner to reassure you–and secure your rights.

If you are in a car accident, you should know that you have rights, but you should proceed through the process of compiling evidence and ensuring everyone’s safety.

This process could include the following:


Keep Track of Evidence of the Accident

In the immediate aftermath of a car accident, there could be a lot of confusion, and it’s hard to maintain awareness of your surroundings. However, keeping track of evidence is crucial to your case, so you should be careful to write down or take pictures of everything you can.


Get Immediate Medical Care

Many of us have a tendency to brush off pain or cope with an injury following an accident. If there isn’t a visible problem, you could feel like there are more urgent matters to address. But insurance companies argue that if you didn’t go to the doctor, then you weren’t injured.

We highly recommend seeing a doctor within a day of your accident. Make sure you tell them every ache, pain, and sensitivity you experience. Most importantly, be sure to keep track of the paperwork—it’s evidence.


Get Guidance From Legal Counsel

Always have a lawyer present when you sign documents. Believe us when we say that you should not trust the insurance company. They are not working for you. When it comes to dealing with the insurance companies, it’s important for you to have a legal advocate on your side so that they can fight for your rights.

Insurance companies work very slowly because stalling tactics are designed to delay the process, so that you might not be compensated. If the insurance companies have been trying to delay your claims process, don’t wait. Get in touch with us so we can advocate for you.

Here is what you can receive if you file a car accident claim with the help of Castan & Lecca:


Types of Damages

When you’re injured in a car accident, you are entitled to compensation from the at-fault party. This compensation is known as “damages.”


Special Compensatory Damages

According to AllLaw.com, “Special damages cover any expense or loss related to an injury, and there is no limit to the types of special damage claims that can be made, or to the amount an injured party can claim.” Special damages are also sometimes known as “economic” damages. 

There are several different types of special (monetary) damages you might be entitled to, so let’s take a look at some:

  • Medical bills, including cost of future medical care
  • Loss of earnings, including loss of future earnings
  • Cost of household expenses
  • Costs associated with altered plans (canceled trips, etc.) 


Lost Wages 

Lost wages are a specific type of special or economic damages. If you sustain a serious injury in a car accident, you may be unable to work as you spend time in the hospital, attend doctor’s appointments, rest at home or even have to undergo surgery or physical therapy. As a result, you may experience a substantial loss of income. This puts your family’s wellbeing at risk.

But when you turn to Castan & Lecca, you can trust that we will fight for your right to compensation that will make up for your lost wages.


General Compensatory Damages

But many times, the impact of a car accident extends beyond the various bills that come with it. Sometimes, there are damages that cannot always be measured so concretely. These damages are known as “general” compensatory damages. According to Investopedia, “general compensatory damages […] include estimates of loss not involving actual monetary expenditure.” General damages are also sometimes known as “non-economic” damages.

Some general compensatory damages could include:

  • Mental anguish
  • Disfigurement
  • Long-term physical pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Inconvenience
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of opportunity


Pain and Suffering

According to Merriam-Webster, the legal definition of pain and suffering is “mental or especially physical distress for which one may seek damages in a tort action.” Pain and suffering is considered non-economic or general compensatory damages. This particular type of damage can be difficult to measure.

Pain and suffering is sometimes determined by examining the types of injuries sustained and the severity of these injuries. An experienced personal injury attorney will help you determine what you are entitled to and the extent of monetary damages you may receive.

Many times, certain car accidents warrant certain specific types of pain and suffering like disfigurement, loss of enjoyment of life, and mental anguish. 


The Takeaway

When you experience a car accident, you should know that you may have rights to compensation, even if you have an undocumented status. Navigating the process alone can be overwhelming and challenging–that’s why you need a team of experienced legal professionals by your side to help you. We will ensure that your rights are protected. If you’ve been in a car accident, contact us at Castan & Lecca for a free consultation of your case.


After being injured–whether it’s a slip and fall, a car accident, a workplace accident or medical malpractice–you should get the compensation that’s owed to you so that you can recover and reclaim your life. Injury can happen at any time–at work or while out on the road–or even during a medical event. It’s important to know that if this occurs, you can have the right team on your side, fighting for your rights.

This time following an accident can be difficult, make no mistake about it. This is why we at Castan & Lecca do what we do. We take pride in using our knowledge and experience to get the compensation you need and deserve after an accident.

Call us today for a free consultation of your case. We’d love to hear your story.

At Castan & Lecca, we represent a broad range of personal injury cases. But what does personal injury mean? According to Cornell University, personal injury is any type of injury to a person’s body, emotion or reputation.

Personal injury lawyers can help you understand certain circumstances of your situation after an injury, including establishing common grounds upon which a personal injury case is determined, including negligence, liability and intentional wrongs.

Negligence, or the failure to take proper care, is connected to the circumstance in which an injury occurs. Injuries can happen as a result of third-party negligence, the most common of which include:

  • Automobile accidents 
  • Industrial accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Medical malpractice
  • Premises liability
  • Product liability 

Determining negligence is a large part of a personal injury case, and, if your case goes to trial, your lawyer will have to prove the liable party’s negligence in court.

But what types of injuries occur due to negligence? The list is long, but here are a few that the team at Castan & Lecca represent frequently:

  • Car accidents 
  • Workplace injuries
  • Medical malpractice injuries
  • Slip and Fall

These injuries are the injuries that warrant personal injury cases. A trusted, experienced legal team should represent you in these serious matters so that you can recover your health, your happiness and your overall well being. 

Car Accidents

If you are in a car accident, injuries may be as minor as a few scrapes or cuts or as life-changing as a disability like paralysis. Moreover, some injuries may not produce symptoms right away or may need additional medical care in the future. It’s important to undergo a thorough medical examination immediately following a car accident if you believe you may have been injured.

Medical expenses you receive during this time can be paid for by seeking damages. According to FindLaw.com, medical expenses that stem from a car accident may include:

  • Physical therapy 
  • Cognitive therapy (to treat brain injuries)
  • Hospital transport fees (ambulance) 
  • Consultations with healthcare providers
  • Various medical accessories (wheelchairs or neck braces) 
  • Treatment for permanent disability (paralysis or TBI/traumatic brain injury) 
  • In-home services like nursing

Following an injury from a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, you should seek legal representation so that you can be able to afford all of the costs of recovery.  At Castan & Lecca, we’re here to help.


Workplace Injuries

An injury that occurs in the workplace can change the course of your daily life. It’s crucial you get the care you need as quickly as possible. Firstly, you must know that you may have a worker’s compensation case when you experience some type of accident or complication at work due to the negligence of the employer.

In general, workers’ compensation cases work to ensure that the injured employee obtains physical, mental, and monetary compensation after facing any type of workplace accident. Workers’ compensation benefits include: 

  • Medical Care
  • Rehabilitation 
  • Financial compensation
  • Funeral benefits

All of these workers’ compensation benefits are mandated by state law and in no case can insurers stop paying these benefits, nor can your employer stop insuring you as an employee. If you have questions or concerns about an injury you’ve experienced because of your job or in a workplace environment, reach out to us.


Medical Malpractice

What exactly is medical malpractice? According to Medical News Today, medical malpractice is when a healthcare provider does not give appropriate treatment or action, or gives a treatment that causes harm, injury, or death to their patient. This neglect or failure is a serious matter; any mistake that occurs in a healthcare context requires immediate attention.

For a case to be considered medical malpractice, there are three factors to consider:

  • Failure to provide a proper standard of care
  • An injury results from negligence
  • The injury must have damaging consequences

A medical malpractice lawsuit may involve a number of circumstances having to do with medical care and certain treatments. Some of the situations include the following:

  • Failure to comply with treatment protocols
  • Neglect of standards
  • Error in diagnosis 
  • Lack of treatment
  • Neglect of treatment
  • Surgical errors

Medical malpractice cases are extremely serious matters of life, death and quality of life. It is therefore crucial that you receive the compensation you deserve after you’ve sustained an injury due to the negligence of a healthcare provider.


Slip and Fall

Slip and fall cases tend to be complex by nature. These cases are based on who exactly was negligent and in what ways that party is liable. The state of Georgia determines negligence and liability by a concept known as modified comparative negligence. This is a way to determine what percentage of negligence falls on a particular party. For example, if a jury finds you 15% at fault, you are entitled to 85% of the damages. This will be reflected in a 15% reduction in your initial settlement.


What’s Next?

We at Castan & Lecca know that the time following an injury is stressful, life-changing and complicated. So, what can you expect? Here is what your legal process can look like if you choose to pursue a personal injury claim:

  1. Hiring a lawyer. Consult an attorney immediately when you are injured. Your attorney will help you decide whether to opt for a settlement or if your case warrants a lawsuit. Consulting with a lawyer immediately after your injury is one of the most important things you can do to secure your well being.
  2. Starting the claim. This is the prep stage where you’ll be filling out paperwork and notifying the other party that you’re going to be filing a suit. Your personal injury attorney will walk you through each part of this process and will officially file the suit in court. Once a suit is filed and the defendant is served, the process moves into the discovery stage.
  3. Engaging in discovery and research. The discovery phase can last several months to a year. If you’re injured seriously, it may involve regular doctor’s appointments, keeping track of expenses as well as pain and suffering from the injury–and a lot of time on the phone with your insurance company and your attorney. For your legal team, this phase involves gathering information, interviewing witnesses, compiling documentation, and consolidating all the evidence that will be used in the court trial.
  4. Attempting settlement. Throughout the process, your legal team will make efforts to come to a settlement through mediation or arbitration. That’s usually in the best interests of all parties if it’s possible. If no settlement can be reached during this time, then the case will go to trial.
  5. Going to trial. At the trial, both sides will have the opportunity to present their evidence to the judge or jury. The verdict will be handed down and compensation will be decided. If either side wants to appeal, they may do so. A successful appeal could result in going through another trial or a change in the settlement.
  6. Collecting the compensation. If you win the case, you begin to collect the compensation owed to you once the proceedings or trial is complete. The settlement may be due in a lump sum or in smaller payments, depending on the case.

At Castan & Lecca, we are experts in personal injury claims. Our years of experience allow us to become your greatest support when seeking the right compensation for you and your loved ones. If you are looking for legal representation, call us. We will fight for your rights.


Having to deal with the aftermath of an accident–whether it’s on the road or at work–is no easy task. The same goes for recovery from a slip and fall or medical malpractice. During this difficult time, your attorney should be someone you can trust, someone you can turn to with questions or concerns. 

But sometimes, personal injury attorneys aren’t responsive–or responsible. At Castan & Lecca, we put our decades of experience and legal knowledge hand in hand with our customer service. Our clients are our top priority–your wellbeing matters above everything else. 

That’s why if you’re with another firm and you’re unsatisfied with your current attorney, you should know that you can switch attorneys so that you get your personal injury claim resolved. Let’s take a look at some reasons why you might want to change your legal representation. 


You need open communication.

Open communication during a personal injury case is crucial. The process can be complex–even stressful at times, so it’s important to have an open line with an experienced legal team. So when you have a question, you can be sure you’ll get an answer–promptly. 

When we take your case, we treat you as part of our family. If you have any questions or concerns, please be assured that we will respond. Our staff can be reached by email, phone, or text, and our answering service operates 24/7. If you wish to set up a meeting with your attorney at any time during your case, we will make it happen.


You need a legal team you can depend upon.

When you’re filing a personal injury claim or pursuing a lawsuit, you need a team that you can trust. There’s a lot of work involved in the process: research and discovery, compiling documents, meeting deadlines–the list goes on. So that’s why it’s important to have a team of professionals that are on your side. 

We continue to successfully grow our business because of the relationships that we build with our clients. When we take your case, we will fight for your rights to obtain the justice that you deserve. We understand that having a solid relationship with our clients and peers is the key to our success and yours. You can count on us to guide you every step of the way. 


You need a team with experience.

When the stakes are high–your physical health, your family’s emotional wellbeing, your livelihood–you can’t gamble on a law firm that might not know the ins and outs of personal injury law.

You need a team with experience–a group of legal professionals who’ve been there, time and again, fighting for their clients’ rights–for decades. But furthermore, you need lawyers who know how the insurance companies operate–and how to secure you the financial compensation you deserve. 

Castan & Lecca has been serving the Atlanta area for nearly thirty years. Our attorneys have decades of experience in their areas of practice. Furthermore, many of our attorneys have previously worked for the insurance companies, so they know their secrets and strategies. When we take on your case, you will have a team of professionals working on your side.


You need a dedicated team.

At Castan & Lecca, we do what we do because we’re dedicated. Every legal professional in our firm believes in the work they do–because it matters. Our team is knowledgeable, experienced, and reliable–and on top of that, we’re constantly building our skills so that we can deliver the best legal representation for our clients. 

Castan & Lecca is the experienced legal team committed to representing you in your case. You will always have access to one of our attorneys or paralegals to answer your questions. 

We also understand the importance of working together. Whether preparing for a trial or a settlement mediation, your dedicated attorney will roundtable your case with other members of the team to discuss different legal strategies so you get the best outcome. When you work with us, you don’t have just one attorney on your side, you have a team of attorneys and paralegals fighting for you.

No matter where you are, we’ll come to you. 


You need an attorney who speaks your language.

Too many times communication falls through because your previous attorney is unable to speak with you because they don’t know your language. They don’t get your story–they don’t get what your goals are. At Castan & Lecca, we know that telling your story is crucial.

Our team is comprised of multilingual professionals who are committed to communicating with you so that you feel heard–and at ease. The personal injury process is too complex and too lengthy to overlook details, so that’s why we have a team who speaks the following languages:

  • English 
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • Vietnamese 
  • Bulgarian 


Our team reflects much of the Metro Atlanta community–and that’s why we’re committed to listening to you, to ensuring you feel heard, and helping you throughout this entire process. From start to finish, we’ll be there, ready to explain the details and answer all of your questions. 


You need a field veteran.

Sometimes, when you choose a personal injury attorney, their expertise can be vague or general. But at Castan & Lecca, you’ll get a large team of legal professionals whose fields span many areas of personal injury law. No matter the nature of your case, you can rest assured knowing you have someone who has a vast amount of experience in that particular field of law. Furthermore, our legal team knows how to deliver superior results for our clients so that they get the compensation they deserve. 


You need success.

When your wellbeing is on the line, you won’t settle for anything but success. At Castan & Lecca, we take pride in our successes, which means delivering the results our clients need so that they can recover and rebuild their lives.

We take pride in our victories. The combination of our experienced team alongside our dedication to our clients’ needs is a recipe for success. Our case wins help us grow: over 90% of our clients come to us from former client referrals.

So whether it’s a car accident, a slip and fall, medical malpractice, workers’ compensation or a truck accident, we’ve got the team ready to represent you.

At Castan & Lecca, we care about your wellbeing. We care about your recovery and ensuring that you can take care of your family again. When the stakes are high, you have the right to have the best legal representation for your case. 

If you’ve suffered an accident and need to know your options, reach out to us. We’re here to listen to your story.

Castan y Lecca Group

Defective Product Liability Injuries

Castan y Lecca Group
Surely, at some point in your life you have been injured by a defective product and you have not known what to do. You may be able to find out what you can get back and what to do if you are injured in the future from a defective product. The team of attorneys at Castan & Lecca are experts in personal injury and can help you file a product liability lawsuit in Georgia’s civil court system. Don’t just navigate this complex legal system! We are by your side in every step you have to take.
Castan y Lecca Group

Insurance claim or lawsuit? Make the best choice for your personal injury case

Castan y Lecca Group
An injury caused by someone else’s negligence can severly impact your life. You may become unable to work, pile up thousands of dollars in medical bills, or even face death. If you have experienced a personal injury, you are entitled to compensation. When pursuing compensation, you have two paths: an insurance claim or a lawsuit. Both are viable options, but choosing which is best for you is based on your specific circumstances in your situation.

Dustin Thompson


Dustin Thompson was raised in rural Camilla, Georgia. Dustin graduated from Georgia Southern University majoring in political science and history. After graduation, Dustin obtained a law degree from Georgia State University College of Law in Atlanta. Before becoming a lawyer, Dustin worked a variety of jobs from a watermelon farm in Mitchell County to a policy think tank in Washington D.C. Dustin has practiced law almost exclusively in the workers’ compensation arena since 2014. For nearly a decade, he worked for a large defense firm in Georgia representing employers and insurers and gaining the invaluable experience and knowledge of how insurers defend claims. In 2023, Dustin joined the firm to use his expertise and litigation skills to help individuals who have been injured as a result of work accidents and third-party negligence.  Dustin has been repeatedly recognized by Best Lawyers: “Ones to Watch” in the practice of workers’ compensation. Outside of work, Dustin enjoys traveling, hunting, and attending sporting events. He and his family are active in Buckhead Church.



Michael Boeschen (Mike) was born in Wichita, KS and raised in Chattanooga, TN. Mike graduated from The McCallie School and went on to study history, Spanish, and Latin American Studies at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. After graduation, he went on to pursue a law degree from the University Of Georgia School Of Law. During law school, Mike participated in the Legal Aid Clinic, assisting in the defense of indigent criminal defendants. Mike has been licensed to practice law in Georgia since 2002 and his main practice area consists of representing injured workers as they navigate through the Georgia workers’ compensation system. Mike is also fluent in Spanish. In his spare time Mike enjoys following soccer, cooking, and spending time with his wife and two young daughters. Mike and his family are parishioners of the Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Sandy Springs, GA





Edward Denker was born in Philadelphia, PA but has made Georgia his home since 1999. He graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor’s degree in liberal arts. He then earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of Georgia. Edward spent his first years in practice representing clients in personal injury and wrongful death claims. He then spent more than a decade honing his litigation skills representing employers and insurers in workers’ compensation claims, where he gained immense experience and knowledge of how insurers defend those claims. In 2017, Edward returned to his passion of representing people who have been injured at work or through the negligence of others. When he isn’t working, Edward enjoys spending time with his wife and their two children. He is also an avid sports fan, and enjoys cooking and travel



Iliana Dobrev was born in Bulgaria. After high school, she immigrated to the United States to study law. She graduated magna cum laude from Georgia State University with a Bachelor’s in political science concentrating on pre-law and minoring in Spanish. In 2015, she graduated from Georgia State University College of Law. While in law school, Iliana completed a Graduate Research Assistantship in Labor and Employment Law and Employment Discrimination and two externships in Immigration Law. As an immigrant herself, Iliana is passionate about advocating for and defending immigrants. She is delighted to help families stay together and pursue the American dream. Iliana is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association and worked in both a fellowship and a firm specializing in immigration law. Iliana is fluent in Bulgarian and Spanish



Ken Thaxton was born and raised in Roberta, GA. When Ken was a child, his father started a trucking business, which Ken ultimately spent over ten years working with through his late teens and twenties. Ken graduated from Houston County High School in Warner Robins, GA in 2001 with a 4.0 GPA. He then studied Business and Information Technology at Macon State College, ultimately graduating with a 4.0 GPA in 2004. After graduation, Ken continued to work with his father’s trucking company, and in late 2005, Ken and his father started an aircraft charter company, Southern Jet, Inc., under Part 135 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. Ken served as President of Southern Jet from 2006 until 2010, when he and his father sold the company. Ken is a Commercially Licensed Instrument, Multi-Engine Pilot. While serving as President of Southern Jet, Ken started Law School at the University of Georgia School of Law in 2009. Ken focused primarily on business and civil law, including Workers’ Compensation, while at UGA. He graduated Cum Laude and in the top 25% of his class from UGA Law in 2012. Ken is a licensed to practice law in the State of Georgia, and he is also a licensed neutral (mediator) in the State of Georgia. Ken represents small businesses in transactional matters and business conflicts, and he also represents injured workers and Plaintiffs injured in cases of negligence. During his spare time, Ken enjoys swimming, cycling, sporting clays, and fishing. He also does charity work with a national scholarship fund



Alexander Lecca (Alex) was born in Miami, Florida to immigrant parents from Cuba and Peru. Alex graduated from Coral Gables High School, where he was a recipient of the Elsa Glazer Award (given to students who graduate with a 3.5 GPA and above). He went on to study marketing at the University of Miami School of Business Administration. At the University of Miami he was also a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. After graduation, he went on to pursue a law degree from St. Thomas University School of Law. In law school, Alex received several book awards and graduated Cum Laude. During law school Alex clerked for the Honorable Beth Bloom, had an internship with the Miami-Dade County Public Defender’s office, and clerked for a prestigious litigation law firm. Alex is licensed to practice law in both Georgia and Florida and handles workers’ compensation and personal injury cases. He is also a registered mediator with the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution. Alex is also fluent in Spanish. During his spare time, Alex enjoys outdoor activities with his wife and four children. He also helps coach his children’s baseball, football, basketball, and soccer teams. Alex and his family are parishioners of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church



Dan Castan is a senior partner at Castan and Lecca, PC in Buckhead and represents injured workers before the State Board of Workers’ Compensation and plaintiffs in State and Superior Courts of Georgia for injuries suffered in accidents. Dan litigated one of the seminal claims securing the rights of undocumented workers to receive Workers’ Compensation benefits in the state of Georgia when injured in the case of Wet Walls, Inc. vs. Ledesma. Dan has successfully fought and settled multi million dollar cases. He was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey to immigrant parents from Cuba. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Boston College and received his Juris Doctor from The Washington College of Law at The American University in Washington D.C.  Dan was admitted to the Georgia Bar in November, 1993.  He is an active member of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, Atlanta Bar Association and the Workers’ Compensation Section of the State Bar of Georgia. Dan is a founding member and Director of the Latino Victory Fund Georgia and serves on the Board of The Latin American Association. Dan has been dedicated to getting Latinos elected to local, state and Federal offices in Georgia. He has been a Big Brother through Big Brothers and Sisters of Metro Atlanta and a mentor through The Latin American Association’s mentor/mentee program. Dan is married with two children.